“The VO Meter… Measuring Your Voice Over Progress.
Hi, everyone, and welcome to Episode 23 of the VO Meter.
Measuring Your Voice Over Progress.
Today, we’re going to talk about public announcing. It’s a really interesting genre of voiceover. We’ve got a whole panel of guests who are talking about how they transition from public announce into voiceover, and sort of the challenges and pitfalls that that might actually have coming with it.
But before that, we’re going to talk about current events. So what’s been going on with you, Paul?
Well, I’ve got a few things going on. I just finished my first book for Find Away Voices. I completed it and uploaded the audio last night.
It’s my longest book to date. It’s 41 chapters, total of about nine hours. So that was interesting.
I hadn’t done one that long before. It was sort of intimidating at first, right? I looked at it and said, oh man, how am I going to tackle this?
But it was interesting. I found that once I got into it, it was sort of like when you’re reading a book and you really get absorbed in the story, I just couldn’t stop[…]”
From The VO Meter…Measuring Your Voice Over Progress: Episode 23, The Public Address Roundtable, Apr 4, 2018
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