Today’s Facebook voice over question comes from the very niche Universal Audio Apollo for Voiceover group. The question was how to plug a studio mic into an Iphone 11, in order to record a video?
I have tried to figure this out myself. I do a fair amount of youtube videos. Here is an example I just recently posted featuring work I did for Samsung
I also do videos about. Here is a shootout I did between a Sennheiser MKH 416 and an Audio Technica 4073A
Finally, I do some videos that are just quick looks into the world of VO like this one from my VO Booth Confessional series
Now, I imagine the OP was looking for a way to create a video that had great content, but also could showcase the studio quality his clients have come to expect.
While this is admirable, I let slip a little secret. IMO for most Youtube videos, people don’t care about audio quality! Yes, in my example above where I was comparing mics, it’s important to have the best studio sound for people to listen critically. In my video where I’m talking about Male kegel exercises? Not so much.
If fact, I’ll give you a behind the scenes secret right now. On my VO Booth Confessional videos like the one posted above? I use the built in mic on my tablet! In this case a Samsung Galaxy Tab!
As usual, content is king.